Have you ever found yourself worn out, spiritually? Perhaps you have been in ministry for a long time and you simply cannot give anymore. Everyday, every week you are expected to sow into people's lives but you simply don’t have it in you anymore. You could also just be getting tired of the ministry. Or maybe you are finding it difficult to grow spiritually. Well if you could relate to any of the statements or questions above then perhaps your spiritual disciplines are not in order. This month we will be focusing on Spiritual Disciplines. In this article we will look at the following: what are spiritual disciplines and why do we need them. What are Spiritual Disciplines? ‘Spiritual Disciplines are practices that are found in scripture which promote spiritual growth among believers.’ D. Whitney. That is the basic definition that is accepted amongst believers. To flesh it out a bit more one could also describe these disciplines as habits or routines which induce stable Christian growth. It is important to know that these disciplines are activities, and not a state of mind or an attitude as some might say. Another vital aspect is that spiritual disciplines are Biblically based, we can’t just make up our own disciplines that suit us. In addition to the above, Spiritual Disciplines can be split up into two sections; Personal Disciplines and Corporate Disciplines. Here are a few examples of Personal Disciplines: fasting, studying, and solitude. Similarly here are some examples of Corporate Disciplines: worship, guidance, and celebration. Why do we practice them? Spiritual Disciplines ensure that we continually grow in our spiritual walk in Christ. This enables us to become more like Christ, the goal of these disciplines is to continually be formed into the image of Christ. I believe that our generation (18 – 28) often relies on our feelings and emotions much more than we should, therefore these disciplines are especially important for us. There are times in our spiritual walk where we need to push through the dark times and keep to the disciplines even though we don’t see any fruit. (Habakkuk 3:17-19).
The main Scripture that supports Spiritual Disciplines is: 1 Timothy 4:7
“Do not waste time arguing over godless ideas and old wives’ tales. Instead, train yourself to be godly.”
In Conclusion Spiritual Disciplines bring life; they must never be viewed as a difficult duty or responsibility. After reading “Celebration of Discipline” by Richard Foster, I found that I lacked spiritual discipline in my life. After truly applying these disciplines in my life, much fruit was produced. Once again, it is important to note that, these are means to Godliness, these acts in themselves are not Godliness, your motive and heart behind these actions are of vital importance. May this inspire you to find out more about Spiritual Disciplines and may you implement them in your own life. Express your thoughts in the comment section below: how can spiritual disciplines influence your spiritual walk?